Professional Services
Learn about the range of services we provide from modern software development, development architecture and continuous development
We can help you develop, manage and expand your servers and architecture. We offer advice and expertise in automated deployment.
Security and Legislation
Security and the associated legislation is a constantly shifting field. We can help you navigate and build a plan to manage your security.
We are experts at utilising open source tools, solutions and environments to provide value and business efficiency.
Shadowcat do not just use open source tools, software or languages, we are proud members of the open source community. All the Shadowcat staff and contractors are contributors to open source projects and events worldwide.
We are known not just for software contributions but to organising events, public speaking and advocacy, maintaining repositories, running organisations that support the open source world. Shadowcat are great believers in contributory solutions and into an integrated environment between community and commerce.
“Open Source is the default…
78% of businesses are now operating on open source software… more than 50% of businesses state that they find the open source option more secure than proprietary software.”